Which messaging app is better for you? In this article, we’ll compare the different messaging apps and give you a better idea of which one will work best for you.

The User Interface (UI)

Both Google Messages and Samsung Messages have similar user interfaces, with few differences in terms of functionality. ..

Both apps display conversations with the sender’s name or number and a snippet of the latest text in the conversation. Conversations in both are sorted chronologically, with the most recent conversations at the top and the oldest conversations at the bottom. ..

The main difference between the messaging apps is that Google Messages only displays one line of the latest text, whereas Samsung displays up to two lines.

The main difference between Samsung Messages and Google Messenger is that Samsung Messages has two tabs at the bottom of the screen: The first displays your conversations, and the second your contacts. Additionally, above the conversations, you have the option to add categories.

Archiving Messages

You can swipe on a conversation in Google Messages to move it to the archive folder. This function can also be customized to delete the message instead. In contrast, Samsung Messages doesn’t feature a message archive folder.


Google Messages will display whether you are sending an SMS (a standard text) or MMS (a text with an attached file, photo, or video) while you are typing. Samsung Messages will not display whether you are sending an MMS or SMS but instead have a small caption under MMS messages after you send them.

Unread Messages

In both text messaging apps, an unread conversation has a dot on the right-hand side. In Google Messages, the unread message is also bold.

Samsung Messages will also show the number of unread messages in each conversation on the right-hand side.

Dark Mode

Both apps have a dark mode option that can be turned on or off.

Google Messages has a separate option to enable or disable dark mode. Samsung Messages, on the other hand, uses the One UI software (Samsung’s recent UI update), which means it will conform to your device’s current display mode. ..

Google’s new dark mode for its messaging app, Google Messages, features a dark gray screen while Samsung’s new dark theme for its messaging app, Samsung Messages, is black. ..


Samsung Galaxy Watches support popup notifications, including Samsung Galaxy Watches. With both apps, you can press the notification to open the message in the app or the down arrow next to the timestamp to view the entire message and get a selection of options.

Samsung Messages allows you to call the sender, mark the message as read, or view the message. It will also give you buttons with reply suggestions.

Google Messages has a one-time password or code copying feature that allows you to copy the text of a one-time password or code.

Google Messages supports bubbles, a feature that has the conversation in a “bubble” on the side of your screen so you can access it quickly and easily. Samsung Messages does not support bubbles. ..

Supported Message Types

There is some discrepancy between the messaging services supported by Samsung and Google. While the majority are supported by both, Samsung supports more message types by a thin margin. ..

Message Types Supported by Samsung Messages and Google Messages

-Text -Photos -MMS -Audio Messages Both Samsung Messages and Google Messages allow users to send and receive messages in a variety of languages. ..

Only Supported on Samsung Messages

The following message types are not supported on Samsung Messages: Please enter a message type.

Only Supported on Google Messages

The following message types are not supported on Google Messages: Please enter a message type.

Rich Communication Services (RCS) Support

RCS is a messaging protocol that is intended to replace SMS and MMS. Both Google Messages and Samsung Messages support RCS. ..


The search feature for Samsung Messages is simple. You can search in the main messages page to find contacts, conversations, or messages containing your search phrase or search in a conversation to only that conversation.

If you type a word or phrase into the search bar, Google will show you results that include that word or phrase in either people’s messages or in categories. For example, if you type “dog” into the search bar, Google will show you all of the messages about dogs. If you type “apple” into the search bar, Google will show you all of the messages about apples. ..

The people you’ve messaged most recently will be listed under the contacts heading. ..

The Starred button will show all the messages that have been starred by you. The Images button will open all the images you have sent or received. The Videos button will open all the videos you have sent or received. The Places button will open all the places you have sent or received. The Links button will open all of the links you have sent or received.

Internet Messaging

Both text messaging apps allow you to send messages via Wi-Fi. Google Messages can use the internet to send and receive messages, send read receipts, inform the sender when you have started typing, and allow you to react to messages.

Samsung Messages can send messages via the internet in a similar fashion to how you would send messages through a phone. However, you must register to use it.

Some features of the two messaging apps are cross-compatible, but others are not. For example, messages sent to the same app generally work well, but messages sent between Google Messages and Samsung messages are slightly less reliable. ..

Apple’s iMessage messaging service is not compatible with other messaging services, such as Samsung Messages and Google Messages, which can lead to problems when trying to send messages between the platforms. ..

An iPhone user who receives a message from an Android app may find that the message reverts to SMS technology, which does not support many contemporary messaging features.

Spam Detection

Both Google Messages and Samsung Messages have their own spam detection systems. Hiya is the company that Samsung uses to provide spam protection for its users. ..


Samsung Messages allows users to manage their notifications, quick responses, delivery reports, input mode, and message center.

Google Messages allows users to toggle the outgoing sound, change the user’s country, manage group messaging, auto-download MMS, auto-download while roaming, and deliver reports. ..

Additional Features in Samsung Messages

The Samsung Messages app also allows users to add contact groups. This enables you to group your contacts together for ease of access. For example, you could add all your family members to a “Family” group, letting you access those messages in their own folder.

Additional Features in Google Messages

The Google Messages app uses AI to suggest replies to your latest message in a conversation. If you have not replied to a message, the app will suggest replies based on the conversation topic and your previous messages.

If you receive a message saying, “Where are you?” Google Messages will give you options to tap, like “At work” or “I’m at home.” It will even suggest emojis and GIFs.

Messages for Web is a Google messaging service that allows users to send and receive text messages on their computers.

Users will need to scan the app’s barcode in order to use this feature. The computer can then be saved for future use. ..

Web’s dark mode lets you disable all notifications and data warnings, so you can focus on what you’re doing.

Which Messaging App is Right For You?

Which messaging app is best for you?