If you don’t like the new icons on your desktop, you can always revert back to the old settings and get the default size back for your desktop icons too.

Why Change The Desktop Icon Size?

Some people find that the icons on their desktop are too small or they do not fit in the space. They may also want to change the size of the icons to make them more visible on their screen.

If your icons are too small, you may have difficulty identifying them. Increasing the size of your icons will make them more readable. However, this may reduce the number of icons that you can display on your desktop. ..

If you have a desktop that is too big for your current icons, you can reduce their size and make them smaller. This will allow you to place more icons on your desktop than what you currently have. If you have issues with your vision, this may be the solution for you.

Change The Desktop Icon Size Using a Mouse

To change the desktop icon size on a Windows PC, use your mouse. If your mouse has a scroll wheel on it, you can scroll this wheel upwards or downwards to increase and decrease the size of your icons.

Use The Context Menu To Change The Desktop Icon Size

You can change the size of your desktop icons in your context menu by selecting the “Change Desktop Icon Size” option from the “Settings” menu. This menu has a number of predefined icon sizes that you can choose and apply to your desktop icons.

Modify An Option In Settings To Change The Desktop Icon Size

Windows 10 has a scaling and layout option that allows you to change the size of various items on your computer. You can use this option to apply one of the predefined scale sizes or you can specify your own value. ..

By specifying your own value for the size of all the elements on your screen, you can have a more flexible and customized design. This allows you to create a design that is specific to your needs and preferences.

Use a Keyboard Shortcut To Change Your Desktop Icon Size

If you want to change the size of your desktop icons, there is a shortcut you can use. It gives you four different icon sizes to choose from. ..

If you’re using a computer with a keyboard, make sure to use the number keys at the top of your keyboard, not on the number pad. The number pad number keys don’t seem to work with this task. ..

Change Your Screen Resolution To Increase/Decrease The Desktop Icon Size

Changing your computer’s screen resolution can change the size of icons on your desktop. ..

If you want to keep your desktop icons the same size, but have them take up less space on your screen, you’ll need to use a desktop icon resizer. ..

Edit a Registry Key To Change The Windows Desktop Icon Size

Windows lets you change many options on your computer, including the size of your desktop icons. ..

To make your desktop icons smaller or larger, you can use the registry to change the size of your icons. Make sure you don’t touch any options other than those specified below or you risk damaging your operating system.

Have you ever had to change the icon size on your desktop? Let us know in the comments below.