To find the range of a data set in Excel, use the Range() function. This function takes two arguments: the first is the data set, and the second is a range. The Range() function returns a list of numbers that represent the range of the data set. The first number in this list represents the beginning of the range, and the next number represents its end. For example, let’s say we want to find all values in our data set that are between 1 and 5. We can use Range() to get this information: Range(“1”, “5”)

How to Find and Calculate Range in 3 Steps

To find the range in Microsoft Excel, use the MIN and MAX functions. The MIN function calculates the highest value in a set of data, while the MIN function calculates the smallest value.

MIN(x) = x - 1 MAX(x) = x + 1

To calculate the range of values in one shortcut step, we can combine these functions in one cell: B2: C2: D2 B3: C3: D3 B4: C4: D4 B5: C5: D5

Using these cells, the range function would look like the following:


You can change the cell values to match your data by changing the cell values.

How to Find a Conditional Range in Excel

If the value in the left-most column is greater than the value in the right-most column, then the conditional range includes the outliers. If, however, the value in either column is less than zero, then the conditional range excludes them.

The range of values is between 40 and 80, but there are two values in the range 1,000 and 900. If you ignore the values under 5 and over 900, then you would have a range of between 40 and 80. This is where the MAXIFS and MINIFS functions come in.

MAXIFS and MINIFS are two different conditional formatting options in Microsoft Excel. MAXIFS ignores values over a certain number, while MINIFS ignores values lower than a certain number. ..

MAX(x) = xxx This is the most basic way to calculate the maximum value of a data set.


The MIN function would become: The MIN function returns the minimum value of a list.


=IF(A1>B1,C1,D1) The conditional range in this case will be: C1:D1 ..


The MAXIFS and MINIFS functions are only available in Excel 2019 and Microsoft Office 365, so if you’re using an older version, you will need to include the IF function separately. For example: =MAX(B2:B15)-MIN(IF(B2:B15>5,B2:B15)) ..

Data Analysis Has Never Been Easier

This tutorial will show you how to use Microsoft Excel to calculate the range of a dataset. By removing outliers, you can get a more accurate estimate of the data’s range.