Building an online community can be difficult, but if you own the domain for your community, it will be easier to get people to visit regularly. ..

Start Tweeting With P2

This is a WordPress theme that was developed by the same developer team that created WordPress itself. It’s used to discuss things amongst themselves, just like another office might use Slack or Skype.

P2 is a social networking website that closely resembles Twitter. You can post status updates and people can reply to those status updates. However, unlike Twitter, you cannot make your own profile page and your avatar is determined by your Gravatar profile. So P2 is not as customizable if you do not have administrator access to the website settings. ..

The chat app works just fine for basic community building.

Install The Theme

Twitter has been abandoned as the main platform for updates because a new version is available. But the new version looks nothing like Twitter so I don’t use it. If you want to use it, the direct download link to the theme is here.

Some of you are not happy with the new Twitter-like interface installed on your site for the same reason. I understand that, and I am willing to take a chance on the older version of the theme because it is up to you to decide whether or not you want to risk it.

Twitter-like page called Kipper


The Settings

There are a few features to tweak in the Android OS, but the most important ones are the settings. You can change how your phone looks and behaves, how it works, and how it sounds. Here are some of the more important settings: -Screen resolution: You can choose between a high-resolution display (HD) or a standard display (SD). A high-resolution display gives you better image quality and is more expensive to produce, but it’s not as wide or deep as a standard display. -Screen timeout: This setting determines how long your phone will stay on after you turn off your screen. A low timeout value means your phone will turn off after a set amount of time, usually 10 minutes. A high timeout value means your phone will stay on until you turn it off again. -Battery life: This setting determines how long your battery will last before needing to be replaced. A low battery life value means your battery will last for longer, usually around 3 hours. A high battery life value means your battery will last for shorter periods of time, usually around 1 hour.

Second, the text color. I would go with a light blue or green to help break up the text and make it more legible. Third, the font color. I would go with a light blue or green font to help break up the text and make it more legible.

You can choose a background image, but unless you are creating a teenage Justin Bieber community, I’m not sure if polka dots or Santa is going to project the right “image”.

Some people might say that it’s a good idea to play it safe and keep everything white, in order to avoid any potential conflicts. ..

You can hide the sidebar on a Twitter-like page by using a custom WordPress plugin. If you want to keep all the nifty WordPress widgets on the page, you’ll have to use a full-width layout.

What do you want to say?

Twitter is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, but it can be hard to know what to say. I would suggest switching off post titles, otherwise it starts to look like blog posts and not Twitter updates you’re posting. But that’s a personal taste choice. ..

One last tweak is to change the WordPress settings and change the permalink structure so when someone clicks on the permalink to a status update, it is as short as possible. I would suggest using Post name.


People To Register

One of the things that is really going to make security-conscious people pause is that you need to allow people to register accounts on your WordPress website to be able to use P2. But as long as they have the proper “role” on WordPress, the rest of your site will be fine. Nobody with “Contributor” status will be able to change themes, plugins, and the like.

This setting allows anyone to register as a WordPress contributor, regardless of their role in the site.

Now, go to the P2 settings and tick the box for “Allow any registered member to post”. This will allow anyone who is registered with your network to post anything.

If people have a Gravatar account – and they use that account to register to your site – the image associated with the Gravatar account will be the default avatar logo on your site. If they are unwilling to set up a Gravatar account, you can set a custom avatar logo by going to Settings – Discussion. ..

When someone wants to register with your WordPress website, they simply go to the login page and click Register.

To see who has registered on WordPress, go to “Users” in the left sidebar. You can also use this area to manually register people yourself. ..


Status Updates

Once someone has registered on our site, they just have to go to the P2 page and a box will be at the top of the screen, just like Twitter. Then they simply have to type what they want and save it.

Registered users can reply to other registered users.

Adding images to your story makes it more visually appealing and helps readers understand what you are writing about. ..


& Removing Status Updates

Twitter allows users to delete their tweets directly from the Twitter page. However, on the P2 theme, to delete or edit your status update, the person who wrote it (or anyone with administrator privileges) must do so from the “Posts” section of WordPress. ..

If the status update is not a reply in a thread, then it is stored in the Recent Updates section. ..


Your Community Private

If you are discussing anything private on your website, you may want to avoid making it publicly accessible on a search engine.

You will need to add a new line that says “User-Agent: Safari/5.1.7 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36” ..

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36

I typed: In my case, I typed: In my case, I typed:

This prevents the Google search spiders from indexing the Kipper pages, the next time they visit. ..