We’re going to answer these questions and more. So you don’t have to. We’re going to buy something, so you don’t have to. ..

Is Wish a Scam?

  1. The Wish.com website is not a scam
  2. The Wish.com platform is not a scam
  3. The Wish.com e-commerce platform is not a scam

Wish shopping is all about finding the perfect gift for someone you love. If you go in blind, there can be quite a few hard lessons to learn.

Wish is a new ecommerce platform that sells products directly from the manufacturer or someone very close to it. This is largely why Wish sells products for such low prices – the middlemen have been removed. ..

Wish does not sell high-quality products, but it does sell a lot of cheap junk. This is because Wish’s business model and market attracts a lot of low-quality products. You should be very careful when buying counterfeit products from Wish, as we’ll discuss this in more detail shortly. ..

Wish Shopping Is Not For Sensitive Shoppers

Wish does not have any control over the products you’ll see on our website. We were hit with explicit product images right off the bat, browsing through products.

This isn’t the end of the world, but if you’re a sensitive person, you may want to avoid the site since there could be images with no warning. We certainly don’t recommend that you let children browse Wish. If you are OK with seeing the odd naughty picture, then let’s keep going.

Who Is Wish Shopping For?

Wish is the perfect choice for people who want the best products and services.

We sell products that will do the basic job, at a fraction of the cost of other brands. We have a wide variety of products to choose from, so you can find what you need. Some of our products are even more unique than others, so you won’t find anything else like it anywhere else.

When you make a purchase on Wish, you first need to create an account. Once you have an account, you can shop for items by browsing through our catalog or by searching for a specific item. You can also add items to your shopping cart and checkout. After you have placed your order, we will send you an email with the details about your order and how to receive it.

Signing Up

We used our Google account to sign up for a product and things went smoothly. However, after we added the product to the cart, our account was put on hold pending identity verification.

Wish has been randomly verifying customer IDs with their government ID scans. This is something other sites have done in the past as a form of fraud prevention, so it’s not particularly unusual. The account was unlocked about five days after creation and we were finally able to get to Wish shopping. ..

Finding Products

It’s not immediately clear when you hit the home page of Wish how exactly you’re meant to find anything. The trick, we found, is to click on “Brands” which will reveal a more traditional set of categories and brand sections to help you find what you’re looking for.

Wish’s homepage is full of products that are not verified. Some of these products are not real-deal and some of them are not useful. ..

The Product Selection

The Wish website is one of the best shopping websites on the internet. It doesn’t matter how well the Wish website works, what really matters is whether there’s anything on offer that you actually want to buy.

On the one hand, this means that everyone will find different levels of value when browsing the products available on Wish. Most of the products we saw while browsing the site were, quite frankly, cheap, junk or both. However, there was also plenty of interesting stuff with good user reviews. So don’t paint the entire catalogue with the same brush! ..

The Wish Return Policy

Wish has a comprehensive return policy that aligns with the type of product you plan to buy.

Our reading of this policy does not seem to support getting your money back if it turns out that a product was counterfeit. Although the policy does say that items which are not consistent with the listing are eligible for a refund, that does not mean a product which ends up not being from the brand you thought it was would count.

The main point of this article is that counterfeit goods are not allowed to be sold, but there are specific guidelines you should be familiar with in order to avoid being scammed.

If you’re thinking of buying something online, be sure to do your research first. Sometimes items advertised as being from a high-end brand or made with specific materials are actually cheap knockoffs. If the listing specifically names the brand of the item, we recommend checking to see if it’s available through a verified retailer. ..

Wish Is Still Pretty Risky

Wish is a dangerous place to shop. Don’t buy anything without careful consideration of price and the chances that it’s a fake.

However, if your item is something that you use or wear regularly, it might not be as good of a deal. If it’s a replica or a knockoff of something you’re familiar with, you might be more likely to be unhappy with the product and the price you paid.

The site’s biggest problem is that it sells electronics. While there are a few decent items, the vast majority of what you’ll find on the site are low-quality or defective products. Even simple items like audio cables or USB accessories can be problematic, as they often don’t work as well as they should or have poor build quality. ..

The Wish website was easy to navigate and the selection of products was impressive. The checkout process was simple and the delivery time was very reasonable. Overall, I had a great experience shopping on the Wish website. ..

Wish is a legitimate online retailer that offers customers a wide variety of products. Some of these products may be misleading, as they do not comply with Wish’s terms and conditions. It can take a long time for your order to arrive, depending on where you are located. You may have to pay additional import duties when ordering from Wish. We found many interesting items on the site, such as T-shirts and statues that are perfect for geeky fans, as well as some unique gadgets that are sure to make people laugh. ..

Tips & Speed Bumps

  1. Make sure to read the product description carefully before purchasing - it will help you understand what you’re getting and what restrictions may apply.
  2. Be aware of your shipping options - some items may require a different shipping method than others, so be sure to choose the right one for you.
  3. Don’t forget to ask questions - even if you don’t think you need to, it’s always good to be prepared for anything when buying something online.

Wish is a great app that can be used to save on your purchase. However, if you have any issues with payment, restart the app and wait a few seconds for PayPal to appear.

As yet, we have not received our order, but we’ll update this article when it does arrive and let you know what the final leg of our Wish journey was like.